Home made Cerelac Powder


  • Ragi – 1 cup 
  • Brown rice – 1 cup
  • Chamna dal or channa– 1/2 cup
  • Red Lentil (masoor dal) – 1/2 cup
  • Green Gram (moong dal) – 1/2 cup
  • Almonds – 1/2 cup
  • Cardamom – 8 to 10 pods

How to Make

Homemade Cerelac Powder:

Soak the ragi, brown rice and all the dals overnight in separate containers.

Then, tie the grains in pieces of clean cotton and keep them in a dry area of the house.

Dry the grains for a day in the sun.

In a pan, preferably non-stick, dry roast the ragi, the rice, the dals and the cardamom pods separately on a medium-low flame.

When the colour of each ingredient becomes darker, remove them in a clean, dry plate and let it cool.

Then, grind the ingredients in a grinder till you get a fine powder.

Store the homemade cerelac powder in an airtight container.

You can make podigree with any taste of your choice, it can sweet or salt 
You can use brown rice or red rice or regular rice too
