Chocolate Chum Chum


Full Fat Milk 2 Lts

Lemon Juice 2 tbsp

Fine Semolina 1 tsp

Elachi 2

Sugar 1.5 Cups

water 3 cups

For Stuffing 

1/4 cup Milk

1/2 cup milk powder

2 tbsp Choco Spread (I used Luvit)

2 tbsp Cream

1 tsp Ghee

Nuts for Garnish


  1. Boil milk in deep bottom vessel stirring occasionally. Add 2 tbsp lemon juice and stir well. Switch off. Stir until the milk curdles completely.
  2. Immediately drain the curdled milk into a cotton muslin cloth. Pour a cup of water and clean the chenna to remove the smell of vinegar. Squeeze excess water
  3. Tie and hang cloth containing chenna for 30 minutes. or till all the water drains off completely.
  4. Knead the chenna for 8 minutes. Add semolina
  5. Knead until it is mixed thoroughly and chenna is smooth
  6. Make small oval balls from the dough and keep it aside.
  7. Heat Sugar and water in a deep bottom vessel. Stir until sugar dissolves completely
  8. Drop prepared rasgulla into the sugar syrup
  9. Cover and boil for 15 minutes, the balls will have doubled in size.
  10. Keep it aside until it cools completely
  11. Heat ghee in a pan and add milk. Mix well
  12. Add milk powder and cream, mix well
  13. Cook until milk starts thickening
  14. Now add, chocolate spread and mix well
  15. Cook and stir continuously till the mixture thickens and starts leaving sides of the pan
  16. Allow the mixture to cool completely
  17. Take cooked malai balls out of the sugar syrup. Make a slit in between without cutting them in half. Stuff them with prepared Chocolate stuffing gently
  18. press or garnish with some nuts and serve chilled
