Rice Cereal (Baby food) 6 months and above


Red Rice 1 cup
Toor dal 1tsp
Moong dal 1 tsp
Almond 3-4


1. Wash all the ingredients and dry them in shadow for one day 
2. Now, take a pan dry roast all the ingredients in low flame about 8-10 min
3. Once it's cool down, take a mixer jar add roasted ingredients and make fine powder
4. Seive the powder, again grind it, repeat this for 3-4 time until you get fine power
5. Atlast seive the powder in muslin cloth if baby is below 8 months
6. Store rice ceral in air tight container

To make rice ceral

1. Take 1 tsp of rice ceral powder, mix in 3 tsp of water with no lumps
2. Take a small pan heat, add this ceral mixture 
3. Boil in low flame until it comes to soup consistency 
4. Now pour porridge to serving bowl, feed baby once is completely cool

You can beast milk to it before feeding
You can add little salt or sugar if baby one year plus 
