Hucclelu or Gurellu or Niger Seeds Chuteny Pudi

  • ½ cup Gurellu/Huchchellu
  • ¼ cup grated dry coconut
  • 1½ TBSP Jaggery
  • 6 byadagi red chillies
  • 2 guntur Chilles 
  • 1/2 cup groundnut
  • Marble sized tamarind
  • 1¼ tsp salt
  • 10 to 15 curry leaves
  • ½ tsp oil
  1. Heat the thick bottom pan on medium heat.
  2. Once it is hot enough, dry roast the gurellu until the popping sound subsides.
  3. Transfer gurellu to the bowl.
  4. Then roast ground nuts until crisp
  5. To the same pan add ½ tsp oil.
  6. Roast the red chillies and curry leaves in the oil.
  7. Once the chillies becomes warm and the leaves are dried turn off the heat.
  8. To this add dry coconut, tamarind, and dry roasted gurellu. Let it cool.
  9. Once it has cooled completely, grind it along with the salt and jaggery into a moderately fine powder.
  10. Transfer this chutney powder to the pan, mix again.
Gurellu chutney powder is ready. Store it in an airtight container.
