Custard Fruit Salad

Ingredients: 2 cup milk 1 cup condensed milk 4 tbsp Custard Powder (vanilla) 1/2 Banana (chopped) 1/2 Apple (chopped) 1 cup Black Grapes (chopped) 1/2 cup Pomegranate 3 tbsp Fresh Cream 
  1. Boil milk in a deep pan. Meanwhile, Once the Milk is starting boiling add condensed milk and stir.
  2. while the milk is boiling lets mix Custard powder with normal milk. Add the mixture to boiled milk. Whisk the milk thoroughly to avoid forming of lumps.
  3. Let it cool down for 10 minutes.
  4. Bring the mix to simmer and transfer it to a bowl. Take a chopped apple, banana, grapes, and Pomegranate and put it over the custard you can add in some Fresh Cream.
  5. Delicious fruit custard is ready to be served.
  6. You can also put it in the fridge for a while to serve chilled custard.


Fresh Cream is optional
You can skip condensed milk replace with sugar
you can add any fruit of your choice
