Orange Marmalade

  1. Oranges : 3 (500grams) 
  2. Sugar: 500 grams 
  3. Juice of 1 lemon

  1. Cut the oranges in half
  2. Extract the juice and keep it aside
  3. Take the orange peel, scrape the white part as much as you can p the white part aside 
  4. Cut the orange peel into small chunks 
  5. Take a white muslin cloth and put orange pulp and white part and make a pouch with this 
  6. Take water in the thick bottom pan, add orange juice and pulp pouch in that let it boil for 30 min, squeeze a lime juice to it  
  7. Later, add 500 grams of sugar keep checking every 5 min 
  8. allow to cool for 10 minutes and then check the jam on a cold plate, it sets it is ready to transfer in sterile jars.
